Thursday, September 16, 2010

A True Blessing

As many of you know when Chad lost his job last fall, he also lost his insurance. For 9 months now we have had to pay full price for my insulin and pump supplies. That runs us around $550/month. Last year at this time it was costing us around $75. Now to some of you, that might not seem like a big deal (my rich friends) but to us it's huge. In June we discovered Lilly Cares, which is a part of the company who makes the insulin I use. They offer free and reduced price medications to patients without insurance. It has been a long few months waiting for the response. I found out today that I will be getting my insulin for free. They will ship it directly to my doctor's office each month. What a blessing. This will save our family around $6,000 a year.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you--I know this has to be a very heavy burden lifted from your shoulders.
