Thursday, October 7, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Last night I met with Sarah and Joshua's teachers for the annual fall conferences. I'll be honest, I was worried about them. Joshua and Sarah both haven't had the best 6 weeks, well at least I thought that.
I worry about Sarah the most, she is like a volcano waiting to explode some days and I don't want that to happen at school. Sarah's teacher told me, she is a little above average for her age, and is right where she should be (I was a little worried) and that she sometimes has her days. My response to that was "Sometimes?" (not always) Her teacher told me to continue to read to her and have her read to me and work on her math skills.
Joshua is such a different child. His teachers told me he was a fantastic student and  gave me his report card and he had honor roll! 3 A's and 3 B's. He was most excited about the A in Math (he is in 5th grade math and it's hard). He had a rough day, you can read about that in an earlier post, a few weeks ago and his teachers were hoping it was something that would pass. One of the teachers also said that he didn't have a lot in common with the other 4th grade boys, which was a good thing, he is much more mature. Well that's good and bad. It's great that he is such a good kid, but because if his maturity level he might not have that many friends. I guess I got great reports from his teachers and I should be happy, but I can't help feeling a little sad for him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Being 9 is Hard!

"Today was thew WORST day of my life!" This is what I heard yesterday when Joshua got off of the bus! Evidently he had told on one of the boys in his class, that boy then told all the other boys not to be friends with Joshua. It was a rough day!

Then comes homework! The dreaded nightly episode. And of course it is all harder than it's ever been. Joshua is a smart kid. He is taking 5th grade math, and excels in English and Social Studies. But I guess because he is taking the 5th grade math is is just hard. Last night during our struggle he looked at me and asked me why I had kids if I knew they would have to take such hard classes. And I realize he is doing stuff that I did in middle school, and I shouldn't be upset with him. I just wish it was a little easier for him

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ready For Fall

Officially we have 4 more days until the start of fall, but when are the temps going to go down? I can't wait for leaves to fall and the crisp air and the pumpkins and apples and Halloween and Thanksgiving. I'm super excited for the new Halloween store at Candler's Station. They opened this week and I think we are going over tomorrow after Sarah's soccer game. Now don't get me wrong, I love Summer, Spring and Winter, but at the end of each season I am ready for the next one. Each season has something special about it. But Fall is one of my favorites. I'm ready for the fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A True Blessing

As many of you know when Chad lost his job last fall, he also lost his insurance. For 9 months now we have had to pay full price for my insulin and pump supplies. That runs us around $550/month. Last year at this time it was costing us around $75. Now to some of you, that might not seem like a big deal (my rich friends) but to us it's huge. In June we discovered Lilly Cares, which is a part of the company who makes the insulin I use. They offer free and reduced price medications to patients without insurance. It has been a long few months waiting for the response. I found out today that I will be getting my insulin for free. They will ship it directly to my doctor's office each month. What a blessing. This will save our family around $6,000 a year.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sleeping Late!

Such a wonderful thought! One that doesn't actually happen very often. The school bus picks my kids up at 7:55 every morning. This morning when the alarm went off we decided that I could just take the kids to school and sleep a little late. Get this, we slept until after the school bus picks them up, we got up, got ready and got to the school before their bus did. Amazing, we just might make this an every day thing. I am feeling so good cause I got to sleep an hour longer. Now you might say, what about the weekend? Like many children, my kids believe that if they don't have to go to school they should get up at the crack of dawn. So, sleeping late on the weekends is out of the question. I am going to enjoy my day!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Bolgging Deleima

As I am reading my friends blogs and other people I have never met's blogs, I have come to realize that I'm not very good t it. I really enjoy doing it, it's almost like a diary, that I can share so I am not going to stop. Some blogs I read are poetic, beautiful, thought provoking, informative and just good reads. Mine on the other hand seems jumbled and chaotic. (probably why not that many people read it) I would love to be able to write wonderful and beautiful blogs, but that just doesn't seem possible. So please be patient with me as I attempt to share my feelings and goings on! And thanks for taking the time to read!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's RELAY Time!

Well, not quite! But I did have my first committee meeting tonight. I love my Relay friends. I also love Relay for Life and what they do. As many of you know my father and grandmother both passed away because of cancer. CANCER SUCKS! I want to find a cure and will do what ever it takes! I look forward to the walk, not only that night but the walk that we as a committee have ahead of us as we plan the 2011 Relay. We have a great chairperson and co-chairperson, who are great leaders and inspirations to all the committee. CELEBRATE! REMEMBER! FIGHT BACK!